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Bloodline Page 6

  The evening was a chance to discuss forthcoming business opportunities, their financial viability and legality of most importance. Matt rarely kept company with Griggs on a daily basis, unlike when he started. Now he simply gave his instructions out as and when required with full confidence in their completion.

  ‘I hope he doesn’t bring that one from last week. Karen…wasn’t it? She was pretty hard to spark up a conversation with; when you two disappeared from the room she never uttered a word,’ Suzy reached into the glass cabinet and grabbed the wine glasses as she spoke.

  ‘I know. He sure does pick them, but to be honest I don’t think he pulls them based on their intellect. If you know what I mean,’ Matt replied.

  The girls he bought along were fairly glamorous and glitzy. Yet the conversations seldom matched their expectations with very few capable or willing to engage in interesting subjects.

  ‘Yes Matt, I saw you looking at that one. Short skirt and tight top you couldn’t keep your eyes off her.’ Suzy laughed gently. ‘It’ll be nice to see him settle down with someone though. Unless he stops chasing the model type it might never happen. Those girls don’t seem to want to be here, I sometimes get the feeling it’s more of a chore for them than a pleasurable evening and Dave deserves better than that.’ She placed the glasses around the table rearranging the cutlery.

  Matt placed the chopping board and knife in the warm water and washed them off before laying them out to dry. ’I get that impression too. Although you can’t blame the girls, they must know he’s not that serious about them.’ He dried his hands on the tea towel and rested it on the work surface.

  ‘I suppose your right. If it suits them both that way then who can complain,’ she said.

  Matt walked through to the adjoining dining room and poured himself a brandy. ‘You’ve known him longer than me. He must have had a steady relationship at one time or another? Maybe he had his heart broke?’ He added ice from the bucket to his drink and turned toward her.

  Suzy stood at the opposite end of the table. She shook her head. ‘Not that I can recall, although there was a time that I didn’t see him for a good few years. He might have had someone then but nothing springs to mind.’ Her father’s comment flashed through her mind for a mere second before she dismissed it as a ridiculous notion.

  ‘It is strange though when you think about it,’ he said. ‘I mean he’s not unattractive or short of a quid or two. Perhaps he just prefers to play the field I suppose.’ Matt was observing the laid table, the arithmetic spinning around his mind with what he saw.

  The loud buzz from the intercom echoed around the room, it’s over bearing volume drowning out that of the peaceful music playing in the background.

  ‘I’ll get it,’ offered Suzy springing from her spot.

  ‘No it’s Ok. I’m nearer,’ Matt replied. He placed his glass on the table and made his way into the lobby. He paused for a second. ‘By the way... Why are there six places set?’

  ‘You’ll see soon enough,’ Suzy answered.

  Matt nodded nervously, apprehensive about her intentions, and resumed his way to the lobby. He placed his finger over the view button on the intercom control system. It hovered there, centimetres away from enlightening him of who was requesting access. He hoped it was Griggs and his guest and no-one else. He pressed the button and immediately knew the evening, on his part at least, was ruined.

  ‘Well let them in then,’ Suzy said approaching from behind. She watched as he did as instructed and allowed her parents through the gates. Billy’s image was visible on the screen in front of him, driving onto his land like an invading enemy.

  ‘I thought it was about time Dad saw the house and now that their back together it seemed the right thing to invite them over. I thought having Dave and his companion here at the same time would make it easier for everyone.’

  Matt unlocked the door and opened it wide, Billy’s newly acquired Range Rover ground to a halt beside his own car. Sheila climbed out closely followed by Billy who made sure to lock the vehicle. ‘More the merrier!’ Matt commented. For two months since Billy’s release he had known the day would have to come when he reluctantly had to welcome him into his home. Knowing it was inevitable didn’t happen to make it more acceptable.

  When Suzy had told him a month before about her parents seeing each other again he had struggled to understand the logic in it. Sheila had accepted the end to her unhappy marriage Seventeen years ago; she was regularly denouncing marriage as a waste of time. The man she had for the last three years living with her had recently done a bunk. Not coincidentally Billy had been there to offer a shoulder to cry on, seeing a way to worm himself back into her life and her home.

  Matt kissed Sheila on the cheek as she entered the house. He took her coat and bag with the intention of keeping his hands full so not to be able to formally greet Billy.

  The smartly dressed Billy took off his own beige overcoat and black scarf. He passed them to Matt as he hung Sheila’s on the coat hook. ‘Nice gaff you got here. Parents left you some dough did they?’

  Matt continued to hang his visitors’ coats up ignoring the sarcastic suggestion. Suzy had already told him that Billy didn’t think much of those that simply inherited their wealth. Jealousy was almost certainly responsible for him feeling that way. By her own admission his parents never owned anything of value to hand down to him. Although he was wrong to assume anyone with anything had never worked for it or achieved it from their own merits.

  ‘Come on Dad. I’ll give you the tour.’ Suzy took her father’s arm and proudly walked him away keen to impress him. ‘Get Mum a drink would you Matt?’

  ‘Of course,’ he said and let out a quiet huff of despair.

  Minutes later and Sheila had her first drink passed to her, a gin and tonic with a slice of lime as per usual. Matt took hold of his own glass that remained untouched and where he had left it, he took a glug certain that he would need many more just to get through the unexpected change of plan to the evening.

  ‘Suzy said Dave was coming tonight?’

  ‘That’s right Sheila,’ Matt looked at his watch. ‘Should be here any minute.’ He didn’t have much to say to her. He never did although that didn’t prevent her from talking non-stop. For reasons known only to herself she felt the need to inform whoever would listen everything she had done that day. He just sat and murmured an acknowledgement when it was due. Seconds seemed like minutes, and minutes seemed like hours as he feigned interest.

  The sound of Suzy and her father descending the stairs should have lent a shadow of hope for Matt. A fellow listener to bring about a much needed change in conversation, although the moment was short lived as it bought with it problems of its own, in the form of Billy who helped himself to an aperitif.

  Closely keeping an eye on his watch Matt hoped his invited guest’s would soon arrive. An injection of intellect in the room would be very welcomed. ‘So how’s business then Billy?’ Matt didn’t need to ask. Not really. Cyrus was still feeding him all the information he needed to keep an eye on him. Yet to kill time it was a worthy mention even though details would certainly not be indulged.

  ‘Same as fuckin usual,’ Billy coughed and followed it with a swig of his drink.

  It was as he had expected, nothing more and nothing less. On the rare occasions that they had been in each other’s company Billy had held back from speaking of his plans for an income. Matt knew he was doing Ok now, Billy had found some work that suited him down to the ground. It lavished him with the respect that he felt he deserved. The tasks were not, in his eyes, unbefitting of him as was the position offered by Matt. Although minding working girls for Candice Williams, the whore hound provided him with walking about money it didn’t offer a retirement plan.

  Billy made himself at home, pouring another drink as Matt languished in his chair. He was the master in his own home yet the intrusion was now niggling him. He wasn’t used to an over bearing male figure lurking dominantly in the backg
round. The comment that Billy had made about inheritance, the assumption that he had not earned what he had, was bothering him too. The home that Billy now resided in was Sheila’s in spirit and in name. Having put it in her name he now had no legal right to any or all of its value, yet like a leech he returned for free lodgings and a second run at ruining her life.

  The telephone rang breaking the inconsistent chatter bounding around the room; Suzy was first to her feet and on route to answer it. She picked up the receiver and seconds later called Matt who hurried to the phone, thankful for a reason to leave the room, if only temporarily.

  ‘Who is it?’ He took the phone off Suzy in the lobby.

  ‘It’s Dave, he wants word with you,’ Suzy walked back through the kitchen switching the oven on as she went.

  In the living room Matt’s voice could be heard above the music, his disappointed tone trailing through as Sheila and Suzy caught up on each other’s news. Billy sat idle, content with his drink resting his feet up on the recliner.

  Matt placed the receiver down and walked back into the room, the cosy family unit enjoying each other’s company and wanting for nothing. All eyes rested on him, searching for an answer to an unasked question that he felt the need to respond to. ‘It was Dave; he’s caught up in traffic, stuck behind an accident or something. He’s not going to be able to make it tonight.’

  ‘Oh that’s a right shame isn’t it Billy?’ Sheila glanced in his direction as he looked back. ‘Your father was looking forward to seeing him,’ she added looking to Suzy.

  ‘Yeah, I wanted to fuckin catch up with him, It’s been a long time,’ Billy said.

  ‘You used to be quite close didn’t you? What with him driving you about and such?’ Sheila commented.

  ‘His old man was a good mate of mine Sheila luv, salt of the earth. I’m guessing he’s grown up just like him. Loyal and trustworthy?’ Billy directed the statement toward Matt as if it were a question.

  Matt wasn’t playing that game and ignored the indirect request for information on his best friend, he silently poured himself a drink as the others continued to chat. Billy confessed that he hadn’t seen Griggs since before he got sent down. In the two months since his release their paths had yet to cross despite moving within similar circles. Something that Matt thought unlikely considering the time that Billy spent at the club of late. Yet with no recollection of Griggs mentioning bumping into Billy he had no reason to doubt the admission no matter how surprising it may seem.

  Griggs was sitting in his car, stationary but with the engine running and companion sat impatiently next to him. She had introduced herself as Melissa when he collected her an hour before, although he knew from experience that the girls seldom used their real names. The offer of a warm meal, as many drinks as they can consume and a wedge of cash at the end of the evening was what they were usually informed to expect.

  ‘I’m sorry about this; I’ll drop you off wherever you want to go.’ He placed his phone back inside his pocket and glanced across the road to the familiar house. His hands fell onto the steering wheel and he gripped it tight.

  The very nature of her business demanded suspicion, up to the point of arriving his behaviour had seemed normal and without the need for concern. A fit young man with all the credentials to suggest he was moderately successful was not her typical clientele, unfortunately for her. But now sat in darkness in an unlit street staring at a large house where she assumed they were to eat, his joyful demeanour had instantly changed leading her to engage cautiously. ‘Who lives there?’

  ‘It’s not important,’ he was staring at the property secluded behind high gates. The driveway boasted two gleaming sports cars. The trappings of wealth only let down by the sight of an older Range Rover belonging to someone he would rather have nothing to do with. ‘You’ll still get paid, don’t worry about that.’

  She bit her bottom lip nervously. ‘With nothing in return?’ she asked hesitantly.

  Griggs looked to her, the beautiful young woman that was to spend the evening with him but not in its entirety. ‘Nothing in return,’ he confirmed driving away.

  Chapter Six

  The golden crown was a popular public house, a favourite of binge drinkers enjoying all day sessions. Two bars serviced the thirsty punters, an entrance door by both for easy surveillance. The area was not pleasant, the regular customers spending their days and their state handouts in the free house with little else to amuse them.

  Cyrus sat uneasy at the bar, one of the first of the day to call in yet refusing to make a purchase. He was there to collect his wages from Matt who had yet to arrive. The pub manager, Steve, Matt’s younger brother stood wiping the still warm glasses from the dishwasher, breaking away at regular intervals as the boozer began to receive a steady flow of early morning drinkers. ‘What’s up Cyrus? Is something bothering you?’ he asked returning to his mundane chore.

  Cyrus was tapping his fingers on the bar, glancing at the clock on the wall in desperation. His crossed feet were jiggling impatiently. ‘Yeah, I gotta meet with Billy in half hour and it’s on the other side of town. How long’s he going to be?’ He looked at Steve for an answer.

  Steve poured a shot of whiskey into a glass and placed it in front of Cyrus. ‘Chill out mate, this will take the edge of it. He’ll be here when he gets here, remember you’re still drawing a wage and you need to earn it.’

  ‘Fucking earn it? I’m more than earning it,’ he retorted. ‘You aint got a clue what Billy’s dragging me into. It’s not doing my nerves any good you know?’ He welcomed the drink and downed it in one. The time had passed since he used to drink so early in the day, yet his life had become so irregular and out of zinc now he saw no reason to fight it.

  ‘It can’t be that bad Cyrus. Earning a whack from Billy and Matt, you’ll be retired in time,’ Steve said smiling. He had not had the pleasure of meeting Billy, but from what little his brother spoke of him he didn’t wish to either. Matt was a good judge of character, if he didn’t think much of someone, or if that person could not be of much use then he wasn’t worth knowing.

  ‘I wish it were as simple as money. It’s the threat of arrest hanging over my head every day,’ Cyrus replied staring down at the empty glass.

  ‘I heard you were just minding some hookers, just escorting them up West. That isn’t really illegal, it’s not like your handling the dough or anything is it? You get a pull and any half decent brief would be able to get you off,’ Steve stood there resting his hands on the bar as he tried to waylay his fears.

  ‘Maybe for now yeah,’ Cyrus looked up and held the glass out for another. ‘But he’s got something planned real soon and he says it’s going to make some real dough.’

  Steve refilled the glass as his barman tended to the other waiting customers; he handed it to Cyrus and dismissed his offer to pay. He indicated to Cyrus and downward to the secluded area of the bar for more privacy. ‘What are you talking about? What’s he planning?’

  Cyrus followed Steve; he placed his glass on the bar. ‘I don’t know yet, all he’s told me is that he needs investment to get it off the ground.’

  ‘How much is he after?’

  ‘He won’t say and I aint got a clue how he thinks he’s going to get it,’ Cyrus replied.

  ‘Perhaps he’s been holding back all these years? You know letting Sheila and the girls go without while stashing something aside for a rainy day,’ Steve suggested scratching the right side of his face.

  Cyrus shook his head. ‘He has got something, but he won’t be selling it, he can’t even scrape twenty grand together to get the copper off his back!’

  ‘Shush……’ Steve indicated to Cyrus to lower his voice, the rapidly increasing volume was drawing attention toward them. The less desirable clientele that frequented the pub would not hesitate to pass on anything they heard in exchange for a pint. And they weren’t fussy; they dealt with coppers and villains alike, whoever was paying at the time. ‘What copper and what does he want with
Billy?’ It was the first he had heard of it, and suspected the same for his brother.

  Cyrus explained what little he knew, that Billy had been putting off the ex copper repeatedly, pushing his luck hoping to devise a way out of paying the blackmail. So far he had managed to drag it out for twelve weeks, making excuses and promising next week he will sort it.

  ‘I assume you told Matt this a long time ago?’

  Cyrus shook his head, ‘I didn’t think it relevant. It’s old business from before he went away, or I assume it is anyway. I’ll tell him when he gets here.’ He glanced at the clock again; the time had drifted by without his knowledge. ‘Oh shit, I’ve got to go. Were supposed to have half dozen girls at some business function for a fuckfest at half ten. I’ll have to catch up with the boss later at the club or something.’

  Steve reached into the back pocket of his jeans and took hold of a small envelope. ‘Cyrus, catch this,’ he threw it toward him as he made his way to the door. ‘Matt told me to give it to you, he’s a little bit busy himself this morning and couldn’t make it.’

  He caught the packet and knew instantly it was his wages and that he had been kept waiting unnecessarily. ‘Thanks a fuckin bunch. Wankers,’ he mumbled as he left.

  Matt had wanted Billy antagonized; Cyrus admitting he was already running late had given Steve the perfect opportunity to push that along a little. After all Cyrus did deserve it for withholding information that his brother might find very useful. Whatever Matt had against Billy he wasn’t privy to it, all he knew was that Matt wanted as much on him as possible, should he ever need to get rid of him one way or another.

  The day had been a long one; Billy and Cyrus were taking their break from the boredom of sitting around the club watching the girls being repeatedly fucked in all ways imaginable. The little Chinese men with a taste for liberated western women of all shapes and sizes were making the most of being away from home. The Soho club that they hired was due to resume usual business soon, their adulterous uninhibited frolicking would soon need to cease. The tired and sore girls all drained of their carnal desires would wish to be driven to their respective homes for cleansing from the debauched physical acts with an unnumbered amount of men.